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Young Claire’s Journal – Remembering Claire Dorman

Young Claire’s Journal

Here are the thoughts of a 14 year old Claire Morissette concerning the events of her adolescent days

January 1st, 1942- Dear Diary, Well first day of ’42 with War. Marge has telephone now, 3573-W. Didn’t work today. Nothing doing. Had turkey.

January 1st, 1943- Well D.D. Another year. Only we’re in Portsmouth. Mom’s sick today. Better now.

January 1st, 1944- Haven’t written for ages. Worked today. Nancy slept overnight. Am 16 going on 17. What changes! Spent afternoon at Nancy’s.

January 2nd, 1942- Friday. Dear Diary, Got first pay from Mr. Gaulland today, $4.25 went to  Choir. Saturday- Got letter from Jimmy and Connie, fooled with kids. Went downtown with Aunt Alice. Mom and Dad went for a walk.